Thursday 3 October 2013

Hi big shout outs to one and all and welcome to the Saturday sorted show and it's very first blog! This being the first one we will keep it short and simple peeps!
Saturday night is all about the Music, all kind of music so whether you are staying in, or getting ready to go out, check out the show and its wide and varied mix of good tunes.

Down the line I would hope that you guys out there would be the main driving force behind playlists, that you would send mixes in if you DJ or are just into mixing, loads of heads up's on new music you have discovered, pass the word on gigs and tickets wanted or up for grabs, swap shops and loads more.

Don't forget that the show, as with all transmissions on WRFM is going Global on the world web so as Del boy would say " The world is your lobster!" when it comes to the shows listenership and getting in touch with other like minded dudes

Let's make staying in at the weekend the new going out my friends and above let make our Saturday nights........ SORTED !